Network Insights: Johnny Chen on Inspiring Clients through GNFZ Partnership

【轉載】GNFZ’s partners play a crucial role in empowering people and organizations to accelerate the realization of a zero emissions world, and in achieving our vision of lasting equitable and global living standards serving people and the planet. By engaging with the GNFZ network, our partners steward clients through the process of achieving and maintaining net zero certification.

Which is why we’re excited to share insights from an interview with Johnny Chen, Founder and President of Segreene Sustainable Design & Consulting (SSDC). SSDC is one of GNFZ’s partners, delivering best-in-class decarbonization solutions to their clients.

#GNFZ: What role do you play in your company and what does your company do?

Johnny Chen: First, of all, it is a pleasure to be a part of The Global Network for Zero partnership community! I serve as President of Segreene Sustainable Design & Consulting (SSDC), which was established during the pioneering days of sustainability in 2008. I also serve as the Chairman of the Taiwan Green Collar Association. I am particularly proud that SSDC was the first firm to provide professional green building design and consulting services in Taiwan. Since 2008, we have worked with more than 1,000 green building projects — making our firm the most experienced green building consultant in our region!

#Why is achieving net zero in the building sector important to you personally and your company?

Throughout my career, I have been honored to work closely with leading sustainability brands focused on creating real change in how the built environment is designed, operated and maintained to ensure that our world flourishes for generations to come. I am a LEED Fellow and have strong expertise across the building design continuum. What I have learned is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for everything that my customers want to achieve with their new and existing buildings. We need to embrace harmonization if we want to really deliver on the ESG goals that our customers are expecting. When it comes to achieving net-zero performance — and certifying and re-certifying this performance — I am a firm believer in the opportunities presented by the tech platform and certification process at GNFZ. We are stronger as a design community in every region of the world if we value collaboration over competition.

#What is it that made you want to be a GNFZ partner organization and what is it that you hope to bring to the GNFZ platform?

At SSDC, we value innovation — and make sure that our customers are benefiting from best practices across design, operations and maintenance. We want to deliver value that our customers and their stakeholders can count on. In our region, we hope to utilize our expertise with the GNFZ platform to encourage more clients to focus on net-zero outcomes and to demonstrate to potential clients that net-zero certification is not out of reach for existing buildings that have not focused on the established green building certification systems.

We are stronger as a design community in every region of the world if we value collaboration over competition.

#What is your definition of leadership in the sector that your organization operates in?

We believe in the power of teamwork to inspire clients to reach new heights of sustainable design and climate and financial resilience. Our clients aspire to leave a better legacy for future generations to come, and our job is to help guide them to these outcomes. Leadership is about setting an example that all — not just a few — can follow and then replicate for others. That is what we hope to accomplish.

#What advice do you have for organizations with an existing building portfolio that may be intimidated by the cost of sustainability or by all the options that are out there?

Before clients start to create a roadmap to achieving sustainability, they should have a clear idea of their goals (energy reduction, waste reduction, water reduction), and what baseline they are starting from. The most important piece of data for clients to have is an accurate assessment of their Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions — and one that is based on internationally recognized protocols. Once this assessment has been made and verified, incremental steps to achieve their goals should be put in place and celebrated along the way. This helps to achieve greater buy-in with stakeholders and demonstrates a commitment that stakeholders can believe in.

Leadership is about setting an example that all — not just a few — can follow and then replicate for others.

#As GNFZ’s first partner in Taiwan, why did SSDC choose to introduce GNFZ’s net zero certification, and what potential or needs does Taiwan have?

SSDC has been assisting customers in energy-saving and carbon-reduction design and obtaining green building certification for many years. In the future, our focus will be on achieving net-zero buildings. In Taiwan, where the industry is mainly export-oriented, the demand for net-zero buildings is expected to increase. Achieving carbon reduction requires an internationally credible certification, and we believe that GNFZ’s certification is very suitable for Taiwan.

#Why choose SSDC for GNFZ’s net zero certification guidance? What specific expertise and advantages does SSDC bring to this process?

SSDC has more than 15 years of experience in green building consulting and is an expert in designing energy-efficient buildings, including the integration of various green energy systems. We are well-versed in achieving deep carbon reduction in various types of buildings and can offer practical and cost-effective solutions.

Achieving carbon reduction requires an internationally credible certification, and we believe that GNFZ’s certification is very suitable for Taiwan.

#Is there anything else you would like to add?

We are looking forward to collaborating with GNFZ partners and advocates as we continue to build out our practice and share our clients’ net-zero certifications’ successes with others in hopes that we can all continue to inspire each other for even greater collective success!



GNFZ Network Insights


SEE GREEN 電子報 我們提供綠建築、淨零碳排、永續ESG相關文章。
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