LEED Zero Certification

Towards a Sustainable Future with Deep Decarbonization and Green Energy for Net Zero Emissions!

In response to the climate emergency, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has developed LEED Zero as a complementary certification to LEED, focusing on verifying the attainment of net zero goals in existing buildings. LEED Zero encourages buildings to actively strive for objectives such as “Zero Carbon Emissions,” “Zero Energy Consumption,” “Zero Water Consumption,” and “Zero Waste Generation.” Together, these goals are collectively known as “LEED Zero.”

4 Net Zero Certifications and Services

Carbon Balance

LEED Zero Carbon certification recognizes the achievement of net zero carbon emissions from energy consumption by avoiding or offsetting carbon emissions over 12 months.


Source Energy Balance

LEED Zero Energy certification acknowledges achieving a balanced source energy use of zero over 12 months. The concept of Zero Energy Consumption Balance is based on offsetting the energy generated by the building with the amount consumed.


Water Balance

LEED Zero Water certification acknowledges achieving a balanced potable water use of zero over 12 months. In Taiwan, potable water refers to tap water and alternative water sources.


Near-zero Waste Production

LEED Zero Waste certification recognizes buildings that have achieved the Platinum level of GBCI’s TRUE certification. It signifies buildings that have achieved a recycling and reuse rate of over 90% for waste generated over 12 months.

Feature Projects
LEED Certification / Taiwan EEWH Label / Industrial Building
Featured Project / LEED Certification / Industrial Building
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