Global Network for Zero(GNFZ)
Building decarbonization is our best opportunity to achieve a world with net-zero carbon emissions.
Global Network for Zero(GNFZ) was established to promote net-zero carbon emissions and address the climate crisis. Founded by former USGBC President, Mahesh Ramanujam, GNFZ operates in a decentralized, peer-to-peer manner, providing tailored support for individuals, corporations, and organizations to achieve net-zero goals. It is exceptionally suitable for businesses seeking international carbon reduction recognition.
As a major contributor to carbon emissions, the construction industry faces the inevitable task of reducing its carbon footprint, making it an optimal starting point for achieving net-zero objectives. Organizations can swiftly advance towards net-zero targets through GNFZ’s standardized certification processes and benchmarks, coupled with global experts’ knowledge on carbon reduction, organizations can swiftly advance towards net-zero targets. This fosters collaboration in climate action across various domains, expediting the journey toward a carbon-neutral society.
If you are seeking a straightforward yet internationally recognized carbon reduction tool and certification system, GNFZ is your prime choice. As the first strategic partner for GNFZ in East Asia, SSDC will collaborate with global experiences, assisting and guiding your enterprise toward achieving net zero and ensuring continual maintenance of this status.

Net Zero Certificate

3 Phases for Execution

- Conduct an assessment, develop a plan, and achieve milestone certificates.

- Reassess emission sources if needed, implement plans and strategies, and achieve net zero certification.

- Maintaining net-zero status in perpetuity. Buildings are required to submit annual documentation to maintain status.
3 Steps for carbon reduction

Carbon Footprint Verification
- Set goals (Scope 1, 2, or 3), Conduct an assessment, and develop a carbon management plan.

Carbon Emission Reduction
- Improve industrial processes, enhance building and equipment energy efficiency, incorporate circular economy, and reduce carbon emission in the supply chain.

Carbon Offset
- Integrate renewable energy, obtain carbon offset credits; consider carbon offsetting for unaddressed greenhouse gas emissions.
5 Milestones

Assessment Certificate
Awarded when a client has performed a detailed inventory of a building’s various emissions sources for a reporting period (typically 12 continuous months), calculated their Scope 1, 2, and 3, and provided information on adopted best practices and standards.
- Scope 1: Direct emissions refer to emissions originating from sources owned or controlled by a company, stemming from processes or facility operations, as well as emissions from transportation vehicles.
- Scope 2: Indirect emissions pertain to emissions arising from the company’s use of purchased external energy sources like electricity, heat, or steam.
- Scope 3: Other indirect emissions encompass all external emissions generated by a company, including employee commuting or business travel, as well as emissions from the entire lifecycle of products.

Net Zero Plan Certificate
Awarded when a client completes and submits a net zero plan.
- Emission Calculation
- Documented Proof of Calculation
- Implementation Schedule
- Annual or Periodic Targets for Emission Reduction through Carbon Offsetting and Removal Strategies
- Challenges and Experiences, Techniques, and Best Practices
- Current or Planned Practices Being Adopted

Carbon Offset Certificate
Awarded when a client has reported their planned carbon offsets budget and tracked its actual progress against the plan. The planned carbon offsets and emissions should match what is specified in the net zero plan. Provide the actual carbon offsets purchased during the reporting period, along with supporting documentation, including certificates, supporting documentation, etc.

Net Zero Milestone Certificate
Awarded when a client achieves their planned emissions reduction for a milestone they have established in their plan. The project team must report its net zero milestone achieved with any supporting documents, based on the net zero plan it has shared.

NET Zero Certificate
In recognition of achieving net zero carbon emissions for this project, GNFZ has reviewed and verified the Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for this project to recognize this project as GNFZ certified.
